Foot pain is not normal. Most foot pain can be cured.

Hammertoe: a condition, usually stemming from muscle imbalance, in which the toe is bent in a claw-like position. It occurs most frequently with the second toe, but any of the other three smaller toes can be affected. Selecting shoes and socks that do not cramp the toes will alleviate aggravation.

Heel spurs: heel spurs occur when the plantar fascia pulls at its attachment site on the heel bone. This area of the heel bone can calcify, forming a small bony spur. With the use of appropriate footwear and if required an orthotic strain to the planta fascia and bone can be reduced.

Neuroma: occurs when the sheath surrounding a nerve becomes fibrotic, most commonly between the third and fourth toes. A neuroma can be caused by pressure from ill-fitting shoes, abnormal bone structure can also lead to this condition. Treatment may include orthoses (shoe inserts and correctly fitting shoes) and/or regenerative tissue therapy (prolotherpy injections) , however in some chronic cases surgical removal of the neuroma may be required

Plantar Fasciocis (heel pain) also know as Plantar Fasciitis, can be caused by bruising or micro tearing of tissue in the foot. Our practice will evaluate your pain, and may prescribe medical grade customized (orthotics) to help alleviate the pain. Prolotherapy has been shown to be useful with this condition.

Sesamoiditis: inflammation or fracture of the two small bones (sesamoids) under the first metatarsal bones. Correct footwear and orthoses can help.

Severs Disease: heel pain aggravated by physical activity. The pain is localised to the back of the heel. External appearance is usually normal. The main diagnostic tool is pain on compression of the area of growth plate. ( squeeze test)

Shin Splints: is a common injury that can affect all athletes who engage in running sports or basic activities.

Corns: another foot pain that can be cured. Corns or callus is a painful area of hard, thickened skin on the foot or between the toes that is usually formed by pressure. Corns can be removed by a podiatrist. Patient education is provided to prevent recurrence.

Bunions: Bunions are a misalignment of the big toe joint that can become swollen and painful. If your bunion is the result of changes in the bony structure of the foot, a change in foot wear and an orthotic may be all you need. If pain persists we can offer prolotherapy a regenerative tissue therapy for pain relief or in some cases surgery may be required if conservative treatment fails.

Warts: A plantar wart (Verruca plantaris) is a wart caused by the human papillomavirus occurring on the toes or sole of the foot. Commonly treated by needling, cryotherapy or salacylic acid.